Discover Siberia. Omsk

Airport(s) UNNT,UNOO
Started 2021-12-26 11:00
Ended 2021-12-26 15:00
Total movements 106
Event banner

Novosibirsk Tolmachevo Airport (UNNT)

Omsk Central Airport (UNOO)

Welcome to Novosibirsk!

The Novosibirsk FIR opens for you a series of events of the shuttles format under the name Discover Siberia You will be able to visit beautiful cities on these flights.
And already on December 26, the first event of this series will take place. We invite you to an ancient city located at the confluence of the Irtysh and Omi rivers. It is a major scientific, cultural, sports and industrial center, a city of labor glory, a million-person city. Welcome to Omsk!
Expect full ATC on route from 11 to 15 UTC.

Charts and sceneries:
UNNT Novosibirsk

Pay your attention on Omsk-Radar and Omsk-Tower, they both provide ATC on frequency 119.000. Therefore, we ask you to be watchful. Thanks!