Like A Virgin Island

Started 2022-08-28 19:00
Ended 2022-08-28 22:00
Total movements 96
Event banner

Cyril E. King Airport (TIST)

Henry E Rohlsen Airport (TISX)

Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport (TUPJ)

Luis Munoz Marin International Airport (TJSJ)

Featuring St. Thomas (TIST), St. Croix (TISX), Beef Island (TUPJ) and San Juan (TJSJ) | Sunday August 28 | 19z to 22z

As Madonna once (almost) sang: Like a Virgin Island, touching down for the very first time.

We invite everyone who has never flown to the US and British Virgin Islands to come and experience these amazing airports located just east of Puerto Rico in the heart of the Caribbean. A challenge for both IFR and VFR traffic!

Starting at 1900z till 2200z, the controllers of San Juan CERAP will provide full ATC coverage between the islands! Don't miss it!