Volgograd to Nakhchivan

Airport(s) URWW,UBBN
Started 2022-08-21 13:00
Ended 2022-08-21 16:00
Total movements 46
Event banner

Volgograd International Airport (URWW)

Nakhchivan Airport (UBBN)

Hello pilots!

This Sunday, August 21, 13-16 UTC, the team of ATC of the Caucasus invites you to take part in our event, flying from Volgograd to Nakhichevan!

Nakhichevan is a city in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the capital of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. The city is located on the right bank of the Nakhichevanchay River, right on the border with Iran. Nakhichevan is one of the places of the oldest settlement of people. An ancient and rich culture was created here by the ancestors of modern Azerbaijanis. In addition, this area is one of the oldest cultural centers in the world.

Full ATC coverage will be provided throughout the entire route!