Sinterklaas Fly-in

Airport(s) EBBR
Started 2022-12-04 18:00
Ended 2022-12-04 21:00
Total movements 71
Event banner

Brussels Airport (EBBR)

Sinterklaas is back in our country! As they are no naughty kids this year, all the Belgian kids will recieve toys from Sinterklaas. But he has a problem. As modern children want big toys like a PS5 or a Nitendo switch, Sinterklaas will require your help! Delivery packages and families from all over the world to EBBR and help Sinterklaas to make 2022 unforgetfull for the children! The gates as well as the cargo and GA aprons will open up between 18z-21z on the 4th of December!
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