Non Normal Night Shift Presents: Region! McKenzie Country

Started 2023-07-30 07:00
Ended 2023-07-30 09:30
Total movements 27
Event banner

Christchurch International Airport (NZCH)

Queenstown International Airport (NZQN)

Wanaka Airport (NZWF)

Mount Cook Airport (NZMC)

Glentanner Airport (NZGT)

Pukaki Airport (NZUK)

Tekapo Aerodrome (NZTL)

Announcing this month's Non Normal, visiting the McKenzie region.

Popular for tourism, sheep and stunning landscapes, the McKenzie Basin can provide some of the best flying of all types! Helicopter ops or regional turboprops, drop off some skiers or enjoy a scenic GA flight! If commercial is your thing fly into Queenstown or Christchurch with a plane load of tourists for peak season.

We will focus on the airports/fields situated around the McKenzie region that contain a variety of controlled and uncontrolled airports, all of which are surrounded by mountains and lakes, and all susceptible to weather.
This should make for a fun evening with a mix of traffic types and activities to simulate.

Whilst you can enjoy the whole NZZC as per usual the aim is to have as many movements in and out of the McKenzie region as possible.