Airport(s) BIKF,EVRA
Started 2023-09-30 14:00
Ended 2023-09-30 21:00
Total movements 120
Event banner

Keflavik International Airport (BIKF)

Riga International Airport (EVRA)

VATSIM Scandinavia, Iceland FIR and vACC Latvia invite you to fly from Keflavik (BIKF) to Riga (EVRA) on the 30th of September. We ensure full staffing along the flight for you to enjoy along with the scenery on your way to the Latvian captial.

The event airports will be staffed at the following times

Departures (BIKF): 14:00-17:00z
Arrivals (EVRA): 17:00-21:00z

Enjoy a flight from beautiful Iceland to Latvia, passing Norway and Sweden on your way along from Keflavik to the Baltic city of Riga.

Don't forget your pen for the oceanic clearance awaiting you at Keflavik along with your Mach number on your flight with the clearance request.