Abu Dhabi Summer Heat

Airport(s) OMAA
Started 2023-09-16 14:00
Ended 2023-09-16 17:00
Total movements 33
Event banner

Abu Dhabi International Airport (OMAA)

Arabian vACC is back once again with yet another event, "Abu Dhabi Summer Heat".

Join us on Saturday, 16th September and embrace the sizzle of the Arabian sun as we invite you to the scorching Abu Dhabi Summer Heat Event. Ignite your engines and take flight into the heart of the desert's embrace at the Abu Dhabi International Airport (OMAA) as we welcome you with complete ATC coverage between 1400Z - 1700Z.

As you approach Abu Dhabi, you'll see the city's modern skyscrapers and the desert's beauty blending together. It's a view you won't forget. Get ready to face the unexpected desert weather. Deal with sudden sandstorms, bumpy air from the heat, and winds that keep changing direction and land safely with guidance from our professional and friendly air traffic controllers.

No matter whether you are flying a small plane or a jet, IFR or VFR, you're more than welcome to join us.

See you in the Arabian Skies!