Western Wednesdays | Cape Verde

Started 2023-09-20 17:00
Ended 2023-09-20 19:00
Total movements 18
Event banner

Amílcar Cabral International Airport (GVAC)

Rabil Airport (GVBA)

Maio Airport (GVMA)

Praia International Airport (GVNP)

Mosteiros Airport (GVMT)

São Filipe Airport (GVSF)

Preguiça Airport (GVSN)

São Pedro Airport (GVSV)

Agostinho Neto Airport (GVAN)

VATSSA brings to you a new fresh event, Western Wednesdays!

Between 1700z and 1900z on the 20th September, we invite all pilots to fly in and out of the Cape Verde Islands, with ATC coverage across for all islands!

Whether it be a nice little long hop from Europe, or some simple island hopping, we welcome all pilots to join in with the event!

See you at the event!