[LYBA_CTR] | C1 Exam

Started 2023-09-24 17:00
Ended 2023-09-24 19:00
Total movements 26
Event banner

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (LYBE)

Podgorica Airport / Podgorica Golubovci Airbase (LYPG)

Tivat Airport (LYTV)

Nis Airport (LYNI)

Welcome to Belgrade (LYBA) FIR Controller Practical Test.
Today Relja will try to convince his examiners he is ready for his C1 rating.
Come and fly in and out of Belgrade (FIR) from bustling Belgrade (LYBE) to amazing Tivat (LYTV), vivid Podgorica (LYPG) or scenic Nis (LYNI).
If you fancy VFR - there is always windy Vrsac (LYVR).
CPT starts at 1700z, ends at 1900z.
See you on the scope!