[FACA_CTR] | C1 Exam

Started 2023-11-18 17:00
Ended 2023-11-18 19:00
Total movements 26
Event banner

Cape Town International Airport (FACT)

George Airport (FAGG)

Chief Dawid Stuurman International Airport (FAPE)

King Phalo Airport (FAEL)

Ysterplaat Air Force Base (FAYP)

K. D. Matanzima Airport (FAUT)

Port Alfred Airport (FAPA)

Oudtshoorn Airport (FAOH)

Overberg Airport (FAOB)

Langebaanweg Airport (FALW)

Beaufort West Airport (FABW)

Bisho Airport (FABE)

On the 18th November, we will need plenty of IFR and VFR traffic to allow Marlon to prove himself in a C1 CPT this weekend on Cape Town Area! All traffic is welcome. Good luck Marlon!