Night Shift Presents: Region! Wellington & Wairarapa

Started 2023-12-17 06:00
Ended 2023-12-17 08:30
Total movements 21
Event banner

Wellington International Airport (NZWN)

Hood Airport (NZMS)

Paraparaumu Airport (NZPP)

Papawai Airfield (NZPW)

Flat Point Aerodrome (NZFT)

Tonight we are off to central New Zealand, visiting the Wellington & Wairarapa region. Popular for tourism, wine, stunning landscapes and wind! The Wairarapa & Wellington region can provide some of the best GA flying close to a plethora of arrival or departure options from the Kapiti Coast, Palmeston North, Marlborough or even the Hawke's Bay. We will focus on the airports/fields situated around the Wairarapa and Wellington region that contain a variety of controlled and uncontrolled airports. This should make for a fun evening of GA hops or commercial routes in or out of NZWN.

Whilst you can enjoy the whole NZZC as per usual the aim is to have as many movements in and out of the Wairarapa & Wellington region as possible.

We hope to see as many of you there either controlling or flying!

See you all Sunday night!