Non-Normal Night Shift Presents: New Years Eve!

Started 2023-12-31 06:00
Ended 2023-12-31 09:30
Total movements 93
Event banner

Auckland International Airport (NZAA)

Wellington International Airport (NZWN)

Christchurch International Airport (NZCH)

Queenstown International Airport (NZQN)

Kia Ora All

Time to celebrate 2023 and look forward to 2024 with one last Night Shift with extended hours!

Tonight we will be running coverage over the entire NZZC and whilst we finish up officially at 10.30 pm we are looking to extend both flying and controlling as long as we can unofficially to see in the new year. So jump on frequency, or pop over to Discord and celebrate the new year with VATNZ.

Controllers can take their pick of any positions they're rated to staff. Pilots can choose any flight or flights they want to take. Any aircraft type from any location!

The goal is to cover as much of the country as possible with ATC service, and the challenge is then to our pilots to keep the controllers busy all evening both officially and unofficially until midnight.

See you all New Years Eve on Sunday!