BVA Ski Trip

Airport(s) KBTV,KLEB
Started 2024-02-11 18:00
Ended 2024-02-11 21:00
Total movements 125
Event banner

Burlington International Airport (KBTV)

Lebanon Municipal Airport (KLEB)

Set the parking brake on the airliner and knock the cobwebs off your favorite general aviation aircraft! The General Aviation Fly-In visits locales across the country that are famous for their scenery and general aviation influence. While anything from a single-engine Cessna to a regional jet is welcome in this event, ‘low and slow’ offers the best opportunity to experience the scenery.

During the event, local air traffic control is staffed at smaller Class C and D airports, with overlying radar controllers to provide VFR Flight Following and IFR services. Fly VFR closed traffic, practice instrument approaches, or fly VFR or IFR between the featured airports: the choice is yours.

This week's event features Burlington and Lebanon, two airports local to prime skiing territory in New England. Wake that piston or biz-jet up from its winter hibernation, grab your skis, and hit the slopes. There's plenty of fresh powder and great views as you fly into some of the more mountainous airports in the region. Don't forget your toque!

February 11, 2024 1-4PM ET {1800-2100z}