Leipzig - Bratislava - CargoHops

Airport(s) EDDP,LZIB
Started 2022-02-26 17:00
Ended 2022-02-26 21:00
Total movements 119
Event banner

Leipzig/Halle Airport (EDDP)

M. R. Štefánik Airport (LZIB)

Fans of freight operations (and everyone who wants to become one) - you're very welcome to join our cargo event between EDDP and LZIB on Feb 26th from 17z to 21z, organized by the Berlin regional group and vACC Slovakia. The distance between the cargo hub of Leipzig and the picturesque city of Bratislava along the Danube river is only 275nm - short enough that you'll be able to fly two legs in your aircraft of choice. On your way you can expect excellent ATC service from gate to gate, busy airways and lots of fun. We will be delighted to welcome you on Saturday and wish you pleasant flights!