12 Days of Adria - Day 12 | Merry Splitmas

Airport(s) LDSP
Started 2023-12-25 16:00
Ended 2023-12-25 22:00
Total movements 103
Event banner

Split Airport (LDSP)

Christmas is upon us and what better way to celebrate than to fire up your Sim and take a trip to a well known destination, Split! Although it may not be a popular destination for holidaymakers. It's a pilot's dream! Come down at any point on the evening of the 25th of December and join us for a Christmas event like no other. Merry Splitmas.

Please note that due to Split's lower capacity, holds can be expected if you are arriving within the busier hours of the event (18z-21z) No matter what time your planned arrival is however, please bring plenty of extra fuel and plan for delays. See ya there!