Sheremetyevo Real-Ops | One-room control

Airport(s) UUEE
Started 2024-01-05 12:00
Ended 2024-01-05 17:00
Total movements 146
Event banner

Sheremetyevo International Airport (UUEE)

Dear pilots,

Happy New Year 2024 from VATSIM Moscow air traffic control center! During these holidays, we are happy to invite you to the largest Russian airport - Moscow Sheremetyevo.

Sheremetyevo Airport, put into operation in 1959, is a hub for Russian national carrier - Aeroflot and some other airlines. It is located northwest of Moscow, near Khimki city of Moscow region.

The airport operates using three runways, which provide a capacity of 110 operations per hour.

Sheremetyevo includes 8 terminals, 5 of them are passenger – 3 as part of the Southern and 2 as part of the Northern terminal complexes, as well as 3 business aviation terminals.

In June 2021, Sheremetyevo was recognized as the busiest airport in Europe for the first time in its history, and by the end of 7 months of 2021, it was the second largest on the continent. Nowadays Moscow Sheremetyevo remains the busiest airport in Russia and throughout Eastern Europe.

On January 5, at 1200 UTC, we will gather in one room in Moscow, and like real controllers, will provide holiday control in the Moscow. Our ATC shift will stay on duty for 5 hours side by side in dense communications and heavy traffic.

Pilot booking is available here

The booking includes 3 main stages:
I - to 02.01 1800 UTC - main slot booking;
II - from 03.01 0800 UTC to 04.01 0800 UTC - confirmation of slots from the first stage;
III - from 04.01 0800 UTC - Wildcard, for those who have not confirmed nor booked their slot earlier (will end 5 hours before the event).

Follow the news, you can read the booking rules on the website. Please note that pilots who have booked and confirmed the slot will have an advantage over pilots without booking.

We have prepared a short briefing where we tell you about what you need to pay attention to before flying to such a complex and busy airport. And, of course, take some extra fuel for unforeseen delays and holding.

Charts and sceneries:
Moscow Sheremetyevo UUEE | SVO
Moscow Sheremetyevo PDF-briefing

See you in the sky over New Year Moscow on January, 5th, from 12 to 17 UTC!