Eindhoven Bratislava City Shuttle

Airport(s) EHEH,LZIB
Started 2024-01-21 17:30
Ended 2024-01-21 21:00
Total movements 0
Event banner

Eindhoven Airport (EHEH)

M. R. Štefánik Airport (LZIB)

Dear pilots, we invite you all to the Eindhoven Bratislava City Shuttle organised by vACC Slovakia and the Dutch VACC. Fly between these two cities in both directions (there is plenty of time for a turn around) on Sunday the 21st of January between 1730 and 2100z.

For sceneries and charts, visit:
-Bratislava: http://vacc-slovakia.sk/

Charts can be found here or here

Scenery: MSFS | P3D v4/v5 | FSX/P3D v3-

Hope to talk to you on the radio!