Non-Normal Night Shift Presents: Coffee Run!

Airport(s) NZRA
Started 2024-01-28 06:00
Ended 2024-01-28 08:30
Total movements 1
Event banner

Raglan Aerodrome (NZRA)

Kia Ora All

After all the celebrations over the festive season, it's time to relax, sit back, and enjoy low and slow on the way to fill up with coffee and some sun at one of the country's premier hot spots, Raglan. .

Tonight we will be converging on Raglan (NZRA) for a GA fly-in event. A quick hop from anywhere in the upper north island makes this an ideal and unique event so get amongst it!

Whilst you can enjoy the whole NZZC as per usual the aim is to have as many movements in and out of Raglan as possible, just don't spill your coffee on departure!

See you all on Sunday night!