Virtual Pilots for WOŚP

Airport(s) EPKT
Started 2024-01-27 14:00
Ended 2024-01-27 21:00
Total movements 65
Event banner

Katowice International Airport (EPKT)

Embark on a soaring journey for a cause! Join the Virtual Pilot Association in a unique group flight on January 27th, from GCFV Fuerteventura to EPKT Katowice, raising funds for the** Polish charity WOŚP.** Let's turn the sky into a canvas of support and warmth. Be part of this extraordinary event - make a difference together! We depart at 14 UTC!

*We are expecting staffing enroute and also full coverage over EPKT!

Expected landing slot 1930z-2130z.*

EPKT Briefing

As a matter of explanation, WOŚP is a Charity Organisation in Poland that organises fundraising to help and support medics, hospitals and finance medical assistance to those in need. This year as a group of as a group of enthusiasts from the Polish Community we have merged our efforts and organised a group flight during which we will try and fundraise as much as we can and any funds that we manage to get during our group flight will of course be donated to the WOŚP - The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. If you wish to find out more about the organisation >> WOSP webpage