24 Hours of VATSIM - March 2024

Started 2024-03-02 17:00
Ended 2024-03-03 21:00
Total movements 0
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VATSIM is excited to announce the first edition of our twice-yearly Flagship Network Event!

For the first edition in 2024 we will be featuring Air Traffic Controllers from all across the world in a 24 hours long multi stage event!

Aviate your way across 6 continents in 24 exciting legs (12 more than last time!), from Asia, via Europe and Africa, all the way to the Americas, and experience the best VATSIM has to offer! Which legs will you fly across the globe?

Join us on 2nd-3rd March 2024 for 24 Hours of VATSIM!

More information coming soon, including all individual city pairs and when/where you can book your slot for 24 Hours of VATSIM!

In the meantime, make sure to join us on the VATSIM Community Discord (https://community.vatsim.net/) in our 24 Hours of VATSIM channels for all your event discussions and questions.