Leeds Layover

Airport(s) EGNM
Started 2024-04-06 17:00
Ended 2024-04-06 20:00
Total movements 72
Event banner

Leeds Bradford Airport (EGNM)

Aye up!
Are you looking to go somewhere on your hols?
Are you wanting to go up up and away?

Come and visit us at Leeds International Airstrip as VATSIM UK staffs it up on the 6th April from 1700-2000z. Join "Captain Boycott" and his "air Doris's" as they safely take you from “Leeds International Airstrip touching back down 20 minutes later at Leeds International Airstrip” because “if it’s outside Yorkshire it’s not worth visiting”.

So “Shur up, belt up and if you can’t see the exits you must be blind” but don’t forget to “wipe thy feet”.