Leipzig - Bratislava Cargo OPS

Airport(s) EDDP,LZIB
Started 2024-03-02 18:00
Ended 2024-03-02 21:00
Total movements 118
Event banner

Leipzig/Halle Airport (EDDP)

M. R. Štefánik Airport (LZIB)

Dear cargo pilots,

On 2nd of March, Vatsim Germany and vACC Slovak Republic are organizing the event in cooperation with AirExplore Virtual and Bulgarian Virtual "Leipzig - Bratislava Cargo Ops" from 1800z - 2100z. So grab your plane, load your cargo and fly between the DHL Hub Leipzig and the capital of Slovakia.
Enjoy the flight with full ATC coverage, the controllers are looking forward to seeing you.

**Event Partners: **
-AirExplore Virtual: https://airexplore-virtual.sk/
-Bulgarian Virtual: https://vamsys.io/register/bulvirtual

For sceneries and charts, visit:
-Vatsim Geramny: https://vatsim-germany.org/
-vACC Slovakia: http://vacc-slovakia.sk/

See you in the radar!