Spilled Milk Run Monday - Western Australia

Started 2024-03-25 07:30
Ended 2024-03-25 11:30
Total movements 159
Event banner

Perth International Airport (YPPH)

Karratha Airport (YPKA)

Kalgoorlie Boulder Airport (YPKG)

Geraldton Airport (YGEL)

Busselton Regional Airport (YBLN)

Learmonth Airport (YPLM)

Leonora Airport (YLEO)

Laverton Airport (YLTN)

Albany Airport (YABA)

Western Australia has so much to offer and explore! Whether your flight is high or low, fast or slow, there are plenty of routes to fly. Find some of our suggested routes below, bearing in mind that Pilots are more than welcome to fly other routes from other destinations!

Traffic Levels usually begin to pick up between 0830z and peak between 0930z-1100z.