Spilled Milk Run Monday - Easter Egg Hunt

Airport(s) YSSY
Started 2024-04-01 07:30
Ended 2024-04-01 11:30
Total movements 115
Event banner

Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport (YSSY)

The Idea of this Edition of Spilled Milk Run Monday is similar to the Easter Egg Hunt we did last year. From 0700Z, one hint will be released every 30 minutes on the VATPAC Discord providing 3 different hints, one for each of the three different airport locations. Pilots then depart Sydney in search for the airports. Once a pilot lands at the airport they believe the Easter egg is at, they take a screenshot and post it in the VATPAC Discord's Event Channel. The first pilot to correctly land and take a screenshot at each airport wins!

Check out the eligibility requirements here