Vectors to Copenhagen

Airport(s) EKCH
Started 2024-03-18 18:00
Ended 2024-03-18 21:00
Total movements 156
Event banner

Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (EKCH)

VATSIM Scandinavia and Copenhagen FIR extend a warm invitation to our enhanced weekly event, Vectors to Copenhagen! Brace yourself for three action-packed hours of full staffing, running from 18z to 21z. Our team of controllers is geared up to guide you seamlessly into the captivating capital of Denmark.

Embark on your flight ahead of time for a picturesque landing in Copenhagen, allowing for a leisurely turnaround with ample time to jet back. Alternatively, flip the script and set out on a thrilling adventure from Copenhagen to explore Europe's stunning landscapes. With three hours at your disposal, you can traverse multiple scenic destinations. But beware! The later you join, the more intense the aerial traffic will become!

Ensure your charts are in check, dust off your aircraft from the hangar, and mark your presence at this electrifying event. We look forward to seeing you in the virtual skies!

Briefings, Charts and everything you need to know is here!

Check the ATC bookings here