Quito Night Ops

Airport(s) SEQM
Started 2024-04-21 23:00
Ended 2024-04-22 02:00
Total movements 16
Event banner

Mariscal Sucre International Airport (SEQM)

Dear pilots! VATSIM Ecuador would like to invite you to come visit us at Quito during a beautiful Sunday evening. We will be offering full ATC service at SEQM, and you are more than welcome to come enjoy the beautiful views between the mountains and challenging terrain!

Whether you want to have an amazing look at the city with the ILS Z for runway 36, or you prefer flying close to the challenging terrain with one of our beautiful RNAV RNP approaches coming in from the south, or even getting some vectors from our controllers to the localizer, while both you and them do their best to comply with the altitude restrictions, this event is definitely for you!