SimBitWorld | Nairobi to Kigali

Airport(s) HKJK,HRYR
Started 2024-05-05 14:00
Ended 2024-05-05 18:00
Total movements 65
Event banner

Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (HKJK)

Kigali International Airport (HRYR)

On the 5th May, SimBitWorld will be hosting the next leg of their World Tour, and this time, picking up from where they left off, with a leg from Nairobi to Kigali.

In collaboration with VATSSA, we will be providing full ATC coverage from Nairobi to Kigali as part of this adventure. Even if you are not in SimBitWorld, you are more than welcome to join along for the party, with departures starting from 1400z to 1700z, and arrivals from 1500z to 1800z!