[LYBA_CTR] | C3 Exam

Started 2024-05-25 16:00
Ended 2024-05-25 18:00
Total movements 9
Event banner

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport (LYBE)

Nis Airport (LYNI)

Morava Airport (LYKV)

Podgorica Airport / Podgorica Golubovci Airbase (LYPG)

Tivat Airport (LYTV)

Vršac International Airport (LYVR)

Welcome to Controller Practical Test at Beograd FIR. Our dear Filip will try to convince his examiners that he deserves his C3 rating as LYBA_CTR. CPT starts at 1600 ends at 1800z. All types of traffic welcome. Filip, best of luck!