Montanas y Playas

Airport(s) MKJP,MDPC
Started 2024-06-15 22:00
Ended 2024-06-16 02:00
Total movements 33
Event banner

Norman Manley International Airport (MKJP)

Punta Cana International Airport (MDPC)

The Kingston FIR and Santo Domino FIR invites you to the "Montanas y Playas" event on 15 June 2024.

Pilots will embark on a scenic journey, flying over breathtaking landscapes that transition from Jamaica's lush mountains to the Dominican Republic's pristine beaches. Departing from Norman Manley International Airport (MKJP) in Kingston, pilots will enjoy a dynamic departure, climbing adjacent to the Blue Mountains before crossing the Caribbean Sea. As they approach Punta Cana International Airport (MDPC), the descent will offer panoramic views of turquoise waters and sandy shores, encapsulating the beauty of the region.

This bidirectional event highlights the charm of Caribbean aviation, with controllers from both Kingston and Santo Domingo FIRs providing top-notch service.