Sharm-El-Sheikh to Sochi

Airport(s) HESH,URSS
Started 2024-06-14 13:00
Ended 2024-06-14 19:00
Total movements 125
Event banner

Sharm El Sheikh International Airport (HESH)

Sochi International Airport (URSS)

Dear Friends!
EGvACC and Caucasus ACC invites you to take a trip between Sharm-El-Sheikh (HESH) and Sochi (URSS).
On 14th of June ATC in Sharm-El-Sheikh will serve the departures from 13 to 16 UTC, then ATCO in Sochi will meet you from 15 to 19 UTC.

Due to stable reconstruction in Sochi we kindly asking to check actual NOTAMs in Sochi.

Looking forward to see you with us!