Shiraz to Muscat

Airport(s) OISS,OOMS
Started 2024-06-29 14:00
Ended 2024-06-29 18:00
Total movements 32
Event banner

Shiraz Shahid Dastghaib International Airport (OISS)

Muscat International Airport (OOMS)

Arabian vACC in collaboration with VATSIM Iran vACC presents "Shiraz to Muscat" event.

Join us on June 29th from 1400Z to 1800Z, featuring a scenic flight from Shiraz (OISS) to Muscat (OOMS). Experience complete ATC coverage at both airports and more along the route.

Departure ATC: 1400Z - 1600Z
Arrival ATC: 1500Z - 1800Z

Recommended route: TAGTA W10 BND A453 KHM N717 ULDUN T980 BUBAS P513 GERAR.