Holiday flight to Black sea

Airport(s) UMMS,URSS
Started 2024-07-21 14:00
Ended 2024-07-21 19:00
Total movements 136
Event banner

Minsk National Airport (UMMS)

Sochi International Airport (URSS)


We invite you to an unforgettable adventure with the city of departure Minsk - the extraordinary beauty and culture of the capital of the Republic of Belarus, to the city of arrival, which is considered the largest resort city in Russia - Sochi.

On July 21, from 14-16 UTC, Minsk ATS's will perform professional control, and from 16-19 Caucasus ACC will meet you. Moscow-control will also be in the works so that you make this flight under full coverage.

We recommend taking more fuel, because delays are possible.

*Clear sky! *