Magna Graecia

Airport(s) LICA,LGSR
Started 2024-07-20 14:00
Ended 2024-07-20 17:00
Total movements 57
Event banner

Lamezia Terme Airport (LICA)

Santorini Airport (LGSR)

Experience the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea, featuring a thrilling journey connecting the region of Calabria with the Cyclades and the Aegean Sea. Taking off from LICA, pilots will embark on a scenic flight over the Ionian Sea towards the iconic island of Santorini.

As you soar over the azure waters of the Mediterranean, you'll be greeted by breathtaking views of the rugged coastline, charming coastal towns, and picturesque scenery that characterize the region. The flight path will guide you past the majestic Mount Etna, the tallest active volcano in Europe, offering a unique perspective of this natural wonder from above.

Arriving in Santorini, pilots will touch down on one of the busiest islands in the whole of Greece, known for its whitewashed buildings, crystal-clear waters, and impressive sunsets. Navigating the challenging approach into Santorini Airport, surrounded by the Aegean Sea, will put your piloting skills to the test and provide a memorable end to your journey.