Direct to Mongolia

Airport(s) UHWW,ZMCK
Started 2024-07-20 10:00
Ended 2024-07-20 15:00
Total movements 45
Event banner

Vladivostok International Airport (UHWW)

Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport (ZMCK)

Dear friends!

On Saturday, July 20th we are inviting you to take a look on the wonderful Mongolian landscapes and fly from Vladivostok to Ulaanbaatar!

From 10 till 13 UTC Khabarovsk ATM Centre controllers will provide full ATC service for departures from Vladivostok and then from 12 till 15 UTC VATPRC controller will meet you in Chinggis Khaan International Airport.

See you on the frequency!