Cross The Land Westbound 2025

Started 2025-02-08 08:00
Ended 2025-02-08 23:00
Total movements 916
Event banner

Dubai International Airport (OMDB)

Cairo International Airport (HECA)

Addis Ababa Bole International Airport (HAAB)

Imam Khomeini International Airport (OIIE)

Queen Alia International Airport (OJAI)

Kuwait International Airport (OKKK)

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (EHAM)

Milan Malpensa International Airport (LIMC)

Hamburg Helmut Schmidt Airport (EDDH)

Nice-Côte d'Azur Airport (LFMN)

Göteborg Landvetter Airport (ESGG)

Kraków John Paul II International Airport (EPKK)

Cross the Land: Westbound 2025
From January 14th to January 18th, 900 members participated in voting for your favorite airports for the upcoming edition. Without further ado, here are the results!

Mark your calendars: Preliminary bookings open on January 27th @ 15:00 UTC, and close on February 6th @ 23:59 UTC.

Westbound 2025 - Voting Results
Departure Airports - Middle East & North Africa
🇦🇪 OMDB - Dubai
🇪🇬 HECA - Cairo
🇪🇹 HAAB - Addis Ababa
🇮🇷 OIIE - Tehran Ika
🇯🇴 OJAI - Queen Alia
🇰🇼 OKKK - Kuwait

Arrival Airports - Europe (Category A)
🇳🇱 EHAM - Amsterdam Schiphol
🇮🇹 LIMC - Milano Malpensa

Arrival Airports - Europe (Category B)
🇩🇪 EDDH - Hamburg
🇫🇷 LFMN - Nice

Arrival Airports - Europe (Category C)
🇸🇪 ESGG - Gothenburg
🇵🇱 EPKK - Krakow

Captains, we'll see you soon during the booking phase!