[OMAE_1_CTR] | C1 Exam

Started 2025-02-02 13:00
Ended 2025-02-02 16:00
Total movements 52
Event banner

Dubai International Airport (OMDB)

Al Maktoum International Airport (OMDW)

Zayed International Airport (OMAA)

Ras Al Khaimah International Airport (OMRK)

Sharjah International Airport (OMSJ)

There will be an C1 CPT conducted at OMAE_1_CTR (UAE Radar), on Sunday, 2nd February from 1300Z - 1600Z. Come to help Michael Milby earn his C1 rating, both IFR & VFR traffic is welcome!

Date: Sunday, 2nd February
Time: 1300z - 1600z
Airports: OMDB, OMAA, OMSJ, OMDW, OMRK and more.
Rating: C1
Student: Michael Milby